Micro controller Hacking coming soon

less than 1 minute read

I have been hacking on my costume, and as such, have not gotten around to posting the code and pictures of the project that I am currently working on. As soon as Halloween roles by, I should be able to get that up here. Hopefully, you will enjoy the costume and the work that I have done on getting the goggles up and running.

Normally, I would have tried to add it in chunks, but I have been learning how to solder, learning how to code this thing, and have been trying to get the rest of my costume configured.

That being said, I am working on it. Oh, and for work I have been learning all the new nuances to python 3.6. Almost like learning another language from what python used to be. So, hold out for another few days, and I will share my code and some pics of the work as I have learned how to solder, and how to write a bit of code for an adafruit neopixel.